We all really are so fragile. The weight of the fall really is great. Creation itself really does groan to be set free from bondage. The souls of men really are bruised. Scars of past experiences run deeper than I wish they did. More than we'd like, insecurity and identity issues rear their ugly heads over and against our attempts to shush them. The longing for "the one" drivers a lot closer to the core of our hearts than we'd want to give credit to. Impure, envious thoughts sometimes seem to be winning. Apathy often bats a high percentage. People hurt. Circumstances overwhelm and crush them every single day. Despite the number of sermons and spiritual resources, we still find ourselves desperately confused and for some of us, on the brink of losing all hope and ditching this following Jesus thing. Sometimes it just feels like it's all for naught.
Sometimes you do all the right things and you feel and see little to nothing. Sometimes trouble finds you when you're not looking for it. Sometimes it just seems to find you. And sometimes you see two people from the other side of the world come into your life and choose to follow Jesus for the first time. Sometimes you see a hunger for God so freakin inspiring that reminds you of when you first started out. Sometimes you hear testimonies of what God's doing in other people and places that make you realize that the kingdom is bigger than your college-kid perspective. Sometimes you just take a step back and notice that God really has shown immense grace to you and a lot of it wasn't even asked for. It's crazy but sometimes God even shows you the gospel during a HR staffing and employee relations class.
-He's really blessed me for all of the above, even the first paragraph.
The cross of Jesus has encouraged, rebuked, admonished, reproved, inspired, enamored, humiliated, stirred me more than anything else in college has. As college is closing in on me, a lot more themes seem to become apparent as to what I've learned but this one, by far, is the one. Not only by it am I saved, but by it God in Christ is renewing all things and continuing to save many. What went wrong when you and I substituted ourselves for where only God should be, God in Christ substituted Himself where only man should be (Stott). What went wrong with the universe and what went wrong with you and me in that exchange at the fall, was exchanged back at the cross. Where we've retarded and died, Christ has awakened and raised. Where we have de-created, Christ has recreated as new creations. Where we have perverted what humanity was meant to be, God in Christ has bought us back in adoption as sons and daughters through the cross.
-It may be weird to say, but I think about my funeral probably more than the average person ... not because I'm particularly looking forward to it (though I do wish I could echo Philippians 1:21 more than I currently do), but because I really don't want to waste my time here. On that tombstone, when my grandkids think about their grandpa Jon, I pray they'd see and hear a legacy of the cross. I pray that, God-willing, any other "Lau" men, would want the same.
"But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world."
-Galatians 6:14
Let's do some work.