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"The good, bad, ugly, Lord use it. I just want You to be glorified through it." -Andy Mineo

Monday, October 4, 2010


God has allowed me the opportunity to not only witness but actively be a part of His saving work. This past Saturday, my beloved friend, Alfred Lee, accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior. I could write a lot about the process. About the months of prayer of simply "God, save him" to the nights of God just placing him in my apartment for no apparent reason ... to the sport of basketball drawing us together and starting our friendship. Man there really is a lot I could say, specifically from a personal point of view leading up to the decision ... In the end, God saves ... despite me, yet by grace, through me. Words can't express the gratitude of knowing how God continually lets me be a part of what He's doing ... Of letting me be a minister of reconciliation as if God making his appeal through this sinner ...

During a small group discussion at AFC's camping trip, one of Alfred's sg leaders shared how he basically said something like "For years I'd known how lost I was and I've always searched and longed to come home. Now I'm home." He immediately changed his fb status to "I was lost, and now I am found." Praise be to God. All glory and honor ... be to Him ... That God can, does, and will save.

Man, I find myself in a mess, wiping snot on the sleeve while tears drench my clothes ... a lot more often. I'm incredibly thankful for all this. As Alf would say, I'm "EXCITED!" to see how it'll all play out. I love this guy so much and nothing increased my joy than seeing a lost friend and brother finally taste and see that the LORD is good. Man, He's so good.

There's a lot of hurt still going on all around me ... Guys who are just as jacked up and addicted to stupid things, who need Jesus just as much as Alfred did and does ... just as much as I did and do. God, grant your servant all boldness to share your word while You stretch out your hand to heal ...

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