One thing I can always find rest in when my mind begins to unravel and betray me is that when you cut all the crap, Christianity at its basis is uniquely distinct and set apart from all other religions in that it preaches what has already been done rather than what we can do.
Why does this comfort me so much? I've only lived 20 years but even an arrogant, pointlessly rebellious 20 year old like myself is not naive enough to think that somehow humanity will somehow "get it" and fix itself. I know that being in my 20s has this ridiculous level of arrogance but I've already gotten glimpses of the severity of my sin before a Holy, righteous God. I may be young and stupid but from what I've seen in my own eyes and learned through scripture and history, there is no inclination in me whatsoever to have hope in human effort. I unapologetically admit that indeed "I have lost hope in humanity." But this is what I love about Christianity ... That at the heart of Christianity is our mighty savior Jesus, whom though had all the authority and "right" to not endure the cross, 100% willingly and obediently laid his life down, afflicted with all the wrath due to the humanity's sin from past to present to future, was bloodied, absolutely destroyed and murdered in our place ... and more than that, rose again! Broken, disgusting soul that I am, I cling to the fact that "He who knew no sin became sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God in him" (2 Corinthians 5:21). That's the God I worship.
When my body betrays me; when my intellect and knowledge betrays me; when I'm left out in the cold, betrayed by the world and all of its comforts and pretenses; when my parents and close friends pass away; when my kid is taken to the emergency room; when my bank account goes empty; when all that I built is destroyed before my eyes, I find full assurance in knowing that "he who began a good work in [me] will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ" (Philippians 1:6). Though my heart and my emotions flail and constantly lie on the fringe, I know with all assurance that Jesus is not letting me go, and not only that, but he's relentlessly, violently attacking and pursuing my heart and restoring it from all the dung that plagues it so.
When I'm gone, may my life have sung this hymn:
"The best obedience of my hands
dares not appear before Thy throne
But faith can answer Thy demands
By pleading what my Lord has done
-"I Boast No More," written by Isaac Watts
The deed's already been done. May this be our means of sanctification as much as it is our justification. God help us. Save us from ourselves.
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